Retiree Health Care for Retirees NOT Covered Under Contract Health Care

Retiree Update-New Date for Argument on Motion to Dismiss November 2, 2015 at 1pm–Still need hardship statements ASAP!!!!!

For retirees that retired after 1989 and without the contractual benefit of the age 55 enhanced health care option, the city mailed out new retiree rates, with an October 6 deadline to select a plan.  These rate increases are astronomical.  For example, a retiree and his spouse, who are not yet Medicare eligible, will pay $22,080 for health care in 2016.  I spoke to Attorney Clint Krislov who related, “We had no advance notice from the City on this, not even the courtesy of copies the same day they went out. We’re working on a response for this week, to seek an injunction against the city from raising the rates or changing the plan at least until the court rules. One of the things we’ll need is sworn statements from annuitants.” (Click here for Blank Sworn Statement).

He also related that the next court date is October 26th in Judge Cohen’s courtroom at the Daley Center Room 2308. If you are able to contribute to the legal expense, please do so to Clint Krislov,  Krislov & Associates, Ltd.  Civic Opera Building, Suite 1300 20 North Wacker Drive  Chicago, Illinois 60606 Phone: 312-606-0500 Fax: 312-739-1098
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